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Mustad Hoof - Fit Liquid 50ml

Mustad Hoof - Fit Liquid 50ml

Temporarily out of stock

Product description

Hoof Hygiene Liquid is a special care product which enables horse owners to treat the hooves of horses and keep them in a healthy condition. Hoof Hygiene Liquid takes care of skin and frog problems. It contains minerals in chelated form. The advantage of these chelated minerals is they are more stable and remain soluble compared to the traditionally used minerals. The minerals in chelated form deal effectively with hoof problems in combination with AloeVera and alcohol and ensure an optimal hoof condition.

Care for skin and frog problems:

• Optimize the condition of hooves

• Strong adhesion

• Easily spreadable

• With Aloe Vera

Instructions for use:

• Clean the hoof thoroughly, makesure that any pollution is removedfrom the frog area

• Apply the Liquid undiluted to the affected areas of skinor frog area

• It’s not necessary to letdry the product

• Repeat treatmentafter +/- 5 days

• Store frost free

Active ingredients:

• Chelated minerals (copper and zinc)

• Aloe Vera extract

• Binding agent

• Alcohol

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